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26 просмотров

You don't understand basic supply and demand?

Emre-Şahin Автор вопроса
Emre Şahin
Yes ser. Pls educate me ☺️

What would happen to the price if inflation was 100%? They may help you understand the concept

Emre-Şahin Автор вопроса
What would happen to the price if inflation was 10...

Little would change. As long as there is no real demand. You give incentives compensating for the inflation

Emre Şahin
Little would change. As long as there is no real d...

Actually you're right bro. If the supply of atom doubled in a year it would have no negative impact on the price.

Actually you're right bro. If the supply of atom d...

If atom supply would double in a year your bag, as an atom staker would double as well. It comes to your personal preference whether you like 1 atom unit worth 20$ or 2 atom units worth 10$ each more. If you're a staker then it doesn't matter much, if you're not, then it hurts bad

I was joking

I think cosmos dynamic inflation is unique and it should not be compared with regular fiat inflation what most people tend to do. That said I'm neutral on halvening prop personally.

Emre-Şahin Автор вопроса
You don't understand basic supply and demand?

Demand comes from a need to use the asset (USD) or keep it as a store of value (bitcoin, Gold)

I think cosmos dynamic inflation is unique and it ...

You literally just compared it to fiat inflation with your example

You literally just compared it to fiat inflation w...

Well if you're in Cosmos and if you're staking you get all that freshly minted money which is not the case in fiat. All you get in fiat world are increased food and housing prices

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