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It’s clear that there is a severe misunderstanding of the

basis of how proof of stake works, specifically the cosmos hub.

Atom was never designed to be money, it is a staking token, the whole point of this inflation is that it must maintain the 2/3 bonded ratio.

The only reason this was ever even proposed is some people want there to be more incentive to use dangerous defi platforms.

Did we not learn a damn thing? How do you expect these two separate narratives for what the atom token is supposed to do to affect the people involved?

people that think this is a good proposal are blinded, even worse are the influencers using their ignorant voices to make accusations as if they understand or ever contributed anything to it at all.

folks just want their bags pumped at the expense of this entire space.

4 ответов

32 просмотра

i dont think its fair to accuse people who disagree with you of jsut wanting to pump their bags

Ceo of Sommelier right. Mostly ETH ecosystem if i am not wrong..

Caléndula- Автор вопроса
i dont think its fair to accuse people who disagre...

What exactly does reducing the inflation do then? Why even vote yes?

It’s also designed to be in the community’s hand. Times change and right now nobody can or is using atom except for swapping it for other stuff.

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