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Have they pierced the sandbox to find the emails relating

to the registered people? Thesandbox is taking a turn for the worse lately. Do we want to commit to improving things or should we continue to see only errors instead of seeing concrete facts for the few users still left?

5 ответов

26 просмотров

It is impossible to pierce sandbox emails cause registration is made through wallet. This email spam is caused by leak. I am sure this situation should be commented by someone in SandBox. This spam is enormously massive, I have received this message as well

I am not sure you understand how piercing works

DarckinITA- Автор вопроса
I am not sure you understand how piercing works

I think you are another manipulated under the words of sandbox. Nowadays it is on the verge of bankruptcy, there are no longer any legitimate players, everyone is multi-account and they don't care. he only cares about statistics, to manipulate people into thinking that things are ok.

I think you are another manipulated under the word...

Sure, they sold data to third parties. We have nothing to talk about

DarckinITA- Автор вопроса
Sure, they sold data to third parties. We have not...

for the record, did you register with the kyc? Do you know what happened to the platform that the sandbox attacked? they were selling fake verified accounts, but that doesn't matter to anyone 😯😯😂😂

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