209 похожих чатов

Hello, i bridged AXL to injective in order to swap

for stable and use helix prep, after bridging i can't seem to find my tokens, what am i missing? do i need to use another dex and then bridge to helix? thx!

5 ответов

16 просмотров

There is no AXL spot trading pair though, you cannot exchange AXL for USDT on injective as of now. You should see AXL on the wallet page on the hub.

Hogsss- Автор вопроса
so bridge back and bring back stable?

Yes, its best to bridge USDT from ETH through the ETH bridge directly

Hogsss- Автор вопроса
Yes, its best to bridge USDT from ETH through the ...

only eth? no other chains? or native assets i can swap on injective to usdt? like atom maybe?

only eth? no other chains? or native assets i can ...

There are other options, of course, like you said - ATOM can be bridged and trade directly to USDT: https://helixapp.com/spot/atom-usdt After that you will have no problems using the perp trading pairs!

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