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All Avax holders need to watch Alex Becker video, who

think AVAX is the Monster of gaming industry and will outperform all large MC coins in this bull run, and after 20m he mentioned that all gaming projects based on AVAX will melt faces. BTW I was right his favourite project is $BEAM and he thinks it will lead WEB3 gaming bull run in 2024.

2 ответов

17 просмотров

I think what some people don't understand is that Avalanche is the monster of all industries. Every use case of a blockchain can be built as a subnet. Gaming will definitely be a huge piece of this, but the Finance industry has already shown massive interest... and institutional interest = greater adoption

Smart-Money- Автор вопроса
DB 🔺️ | DGNX
I think what some people don't understand is that ...

Bro WEB3 gaming will outperform the rest of all crypto market in this bull run. A lot of institutions started investing billions of dollars in this sector.

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