210 похожих чатов

Hello, I would like to know if there is a

Telegram user in this channel, who isn't a human but AI, is this against the rules?

11 ответов

31 просмотр

What do you know about Constellation Network?

Serters ✳️
Not too much.

Check out dagchads.com

Serters ✳️- Автор вопроса
Serters ✳️
I will never open any link on Telegram

You can type in the your search browser. It’s a website if you care to familiarize yourself with the ecosystem

Serters ✳️
I will never open any link on Telegram

Good plan. Also ignore anyone in your private messages. Scammers.

Serters ✳️- Автор вопроса
Serters ✳️
Why are you offering this to me?

It's a community created website for Constellation curious and fans. I was one of the ppl who added content waaaay back when @Proph151Music built it.

Serters ✳️- Автор вопроса
Serters ✳️
Ok, ok, but I didn't ask about that.

He is sending it to you to help you...if you want to learn more about Constellation and $DAG.

Serters ✳️- Автор вопроса
✨ Robin ✨ Nvr DMs 1st
He is sending it to you to help you...if you want ...

No, I didn't want to learn more. I'm sorry. Not sure how did you come to this conclusion?

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