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Https://Dalio.Medium.Com/Eos-Road-To-Super-Defi-Ee3f43afad94 It’s great to see this article getting a lot of

likes, but not much discussion about the content. I have made some optimizations for today, especially the English version.
I hope to get more discussions from the community, including opinions from ENF, because ENF plays a very important role in order to do a good job in Super DeFi.

For this purpose, separate Chinese and English posts have been opened on W3N, open for discussion:
Chinese post link: https://www.web3name.one/app.html?page=browser&mypage=Dalio-1

This article is a recent key article and contains a lot of work content:
1. Super Defi execution plan
2. NOAH’s ingenius tokenomic model shows potential and hope
3. DefiBOX explores multiple avenues to achieve value breakthroughs
4. Antelope’s upgrades repeatedly postponed, suggest ENF focus on BTC’s Layer 1 hotspots
5. EOS Lab continues to be a community focus, but ENF’s various aspects deserve attention.
6. RWA is a key opportunity for EOS.
7. Super Defi is the trump card for EOS to achieve value breakthroughs.
8. Summary

9 ответов

21 просмотр

What do you think of this ser? https://t.me/EOSproject/2005316

Dalio- Автор вопроса
Bytecode360 Katoshi [1337 f4rm3r]
What do you think of this ser? https://t.me/EOSpr...

Thanks for asking. It sounds like an interesting idea, but I estimate that the effect of such a big move may not be obvious to the value of EOS, because: 1. The current 67 million EOS is in a frozen state, which is equivalent to deflation, which is a good thing in itself; after being unfrozen, EOS will be directly inflated by 6%, and there must be a lot of opposition in the community. 2. The liquidity of EOS is very high. If institutional investors buy these 67 million EOS at a public premium, it may be better to spend a month or two slowly buying them in the secondary market without leaving any trace. I don’t know which institution is willing to pay for these 67 million EOS. 3. In addition, I don’t seem to feel the effect of such large-scale funding from DWF Labs on EOS, and I even doubt whether they have truly implemented their promises.

could you please elaborate on why decentralized exchange tokens have value? You talk about veNoah, and esNoah, yet the underlaying token, why does it have value in first place?

Dalio- Автор вопроса

no, I mean the actual Noah token. What can you use it for? This is important to understand before you try to give value to other tokens on top of it. I give you an example. The ETH token, it works as GAS on Ethereum network, it allows you to do all sorts of things. Is very useful, and because of all the use cases, very valuable.

no, I mean the actual Noah token. What can you use...

for future reference, the question you were trying to ask is 'what is the utility of the noah token' - you said the same thing but that would save you a few hundred words and a long exchange next time you're asking that about some shitcoin.


and he didn't understand and you had to explain it further. ironically, i'm doing the same thing right now.

Dalio- Автор вопроса
no, I mean the actual Noah token. What can you use...

Well, this is a fundamental question. Only NOAH officials may be able to answer your questions completely and accurately. IMO, the value to hold Noah including: enjoy 1% trading fee; staking reward; governance rignt as uniswap in the future DAO.

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