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Not only is the validator pay for Solana nodes millions

of dollars daily from inflation (compared to just $20k for EOS validators), but also most of the pay is being directed by the stake/votes of the Solana Foundation and Alameda. 😂

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Why are there still people who believe governance/inflation is what is holding back EOS when much more highly centralized projects like Solana are seeing such recent success and buying pressure?

What else is holding EOS back from making big life changing gains in the next bull market that is currently forming?

7 ответов

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Mahjong- Автор вопроса

Who here believe EOS situation worse than Solana? Honest question @hahnryu please share personal opinion ser

Mahjong- Автор вопроса
Mahjong- Автор вопроса
Mahjong- Автор вопроса

Can I get honest opinion on this and if it is worse than EOS?

Who here believe EOS situation worse than Solana? ...

Solana governance won’t be any problem when everybody’s happy. As long as the price good nobody cares. Governance and legitimacy becomes very important when things are not pretty. Governance failure means you do not have recourse even when you are unhappy with the price and can’t support the leadership anymore. If something happens and Solana price tanks for long time like how EOS did, their foundation will be even more severely questioned about the legitimacy. Irony is that in this long time of suffering in the wilderness, EOS is having an opportunity to get it right before it goes land if milk and honey, otherwise it won’t be able to have chance to fix later like other chains did that only mooned with no suffering. They will all be facing some kind of governance problem at one point as the Bns and Tns of institutional money pours into the market. (It’s happening already) Real big institution money cares about ESG and G is for governance. And in governace, transparency and accountability is everything. This is why Vitalik is saying legitimacy is the scarcest resource. By fixing governance, EOS is securing industry’s most scarcest resource. Hope this makes sense for you.

Solana governance won’t be any problem when everyb...

It’s not that your wrong, it’s just that a focus on governance will also almost certainly slow down innovation, and if EOS misses out on this bull market is it even going to survive the next bear market?

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It’s not that your wrong, it’s just that a focus o...

It looks to me that it’s not quite riding the wave of the bull market that is already started.

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