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You once said "Yves has repeatedly stated that the ENF

is not in the business of selecting BPs, and we will work with whomever is selected by tokenholders to continue supporting the network."

But while it is proven on-chain that it is Tony who controls the votes of Exchange A’s customers, the representative of Exchange A’s following statement addressing my question regarding Tony was alarming:

“Rather than engaging in the EOS ecosystem, we, [Exchange A], operate a staking service to maximize the stable profits of users who deposit EOS on [Exchange A]. In the same context, we maintain a cooperative relationship with ENF (EOS Network Foundation), the largest EOS BP and official Foundation. It is important to consider how high APR is when it comes to selecting a partner. However, it is also a crucial factor to consider other factors such as stable operation and ease of communication.”

While the ENF says it does not engage with the business of selecting BPs, there is no other person other than Yves who can be said to represent the ENF and the largest BP (EOS Nation) at the same time in the entire ecosystem.

What is Yves’ relationship with Tony, as the CEO of an organization that is not supposed to engage in the business of selecting BPs?

Which BP could say anything that goes against Yves or ENF, if it is Tony and Yves and a few anonymous people who holds the leash on their neck?

3 ответов

35 просмотров


Yeah I didn’t think that characterization was accurate or helpful either.

Hahn☝️- Автор вопроса

Yeah, I really appreciate your role there. There’s exceptions like you. But it has a truth in it and you know what I’m talking about.

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