209 похожих чатов

Team, I have my EWT in Metamask and I am

about to lift to EWX. What is the main wallet I should use? I am planing to run a Galaxy Sub Node when available. Thanks!

7 ответов

11 просмотров


How To Lift From EWC to EWX Step 1️⃣: Visit www.energywebx.com and download the EWX Marketplace application suitable for your operating system (Windows, MacOS, or Linux). Step 2️⃣: Set up your wallet. You can use Substrate based wallet. Examples are (SubWallet, Nova Wallet) Using SubWallet as example. -Create an account. -Goto settings -Manage Network -Search EWX. If you don't see it add manually. Click on the plus icon and add this without the brackets (wss://public-rpc.mainnet.energywebx.com) Step 3️⃣: In the EWX app. Click connect. A pop up should show. It should show Wallet Connect. Click on connect. A new pop up with QR code should show. Step 4️⃣: Establish a connection with your wallet by scanning the QR code with your mobile device. For Desktop: Directly over the QR code you can copy link -> copy link -> go to subwallet on desktop and click "wallet connect" -> paste link -> connect -> go back to app where you should be connected. *Desktop approval is a little buggy Step 5️⃣: Lift Tokens -Click on your profile located in the upper right corner. -Click the "Lift" option. -Specify the desired amount for lifting. -Confirm the transaction within your wallet. -Note that the option to lower tokens is disabled until an audit is completed. -The token lifting process typically takes around 30 to 90 minutes. -After a successful transaction, patiently wait for the tokens to reflect in your EWX balance, which you can verify in the balance section located in the upper left corner of the application.

Try any of the suggested wallet in the post above

Leig- Автор вопроса
Samuel | EW

Thanks Samuel! What wallet do you guys recommend?

Truth Lasts
Do i need to be whitelisted to lift?

No. Lift you can without whitelist

Truth Lasts
Do i need to be whitelisted to lift?

No, but if you lift you won’t be able to unlift for a while. So make sure to lift 3000ewt to get your spot on the digital spine node network.

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