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I wonder if the ReadCash and NoiseCash free money in

the end had any benefit to BCH. I know many of the writers from there are no longer active or are just drifting into other projects.

What would you say is left after all said and done when it comes to giving free money like Read and Noise did? I honestly would like to know more than my opinion because I know I came from there so I may not have the full picture because I was part of that gang.

The only reason I stuck to ReadCash is because it is one of the platforms that doesn't censor you that much or at all like the others, my impression of Reddit is not good at all since r/Bitcoin gave me a lot of troubles in the past so much so that I am not a fun of Reddit at all. I prefer Twitter.

1 ответов

16 просмотров

Giving away money has the same effect as anywhere else, it made people manipulate the system to get more and it attracted / created a lot of people that think they are entitled to free stuff.

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