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Can we stake without being Whitelisted?

13 ответов

18 просмотров

you can :) lift 3k $ewt and wait snapshot

Not atm

Trader Joe- Автор вопроса
Door Mandeep
Not atm

You say no, some some Yes

no not at the moment

Trader Joe- Автор вопроса
shawn Fish
no not at the moment

@DaoKhanh we gotta wait brah 😕

you can :) lift 3k $ewt and wait snapshot

But that also required to be whitelisted, correct?

no, only required lift 3k $EWT

Oh okay, thanks for confirming!

Trader Joe- Автор вопроса
no, only required lift 3k $EWT

Whitelisted Required for more than 3k EWT?

But that also required to be whitelisted, correct?

No you don’t need to be whitelisted for the digital spine worker node, the snapshot with minimum 3k EWT is the only requirement

Trader Joe- Автор вопроса
No you don’t need to be whitelisted for the digita...

So all what is needed is Sub wallet and 3K EWT?

Trader Joe
So all what is needed is Sub wallet and 3K EWT?

That's all that's needed once it's live, plus the hardware to run it

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