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I do have one question regarding EVM / ZKEVM and

how it will be implemented, maybe you or @foflexity can clarify. Will ZKEVM replace the current EVM we have or will this be in addition and work in tandem with the current EVM, that way we could potentially have both a public and “private”EVM. If there is any document that has already clarified this, where can I find more info?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

I can give a non technical answer. The plan is to have ZK EVM's working in tandem with TelosEVM starting with K2-18 Gaming chain. In fact the K2-18 ZKEVM will roll up to TelosEVM (as will others in the future).. this is akin to how polygon zkevm's roll up to ethereum). Im personally excited to see what sort of performance advantages will be achieved rolling up to telosevm vs zkevm's rolling up to ethereum.

As Justin said, TelosEVM becomes more a part of the zero layer, with other zkEVMs rolling up to it 🙂

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