wallet address of yokaiswap (i believe it is named L1 yokai wallet address, in wallet details on their page) and bridge tokens from eth/bsc network? I believe on transfer the wallet will be initiated. I never used this method though, so you can advise better :)
To know more about how to store $CKB securely: linktr.ee/nervosbuddy 👀
What are you trying to do?
Anyway here are some YokaiSwap/ForceBridge usage guides from the community in case it can help you https://jackylhh.notion.site/How-to-deposit-BNB-BSC-to-YokaiSwap-3d510ed587874134bae4b4b83cc5d0ce https://jackylhh.notion.site/How-to-withdraw-BNB-ETH-from-YokaiSwap-and-move-them-back-to-BSC-ETH-94d44774bd9147a38c2aedd326b9b415
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