209 похожих чатов

@Cylon_bit have you got any video how to determinate new

wallet address of yokaiswap (i believe it is named L1 yokai wallet address, in wallet details on their page) and bridge tokens from eth/bsc network? I believe on transfer the wallet will be initiated. I never used this method though, so you can advise better :)

3 ответов

11 просмотров

To know more about how to store $CKB securely: linktr.ee/nervosbuddy 👀

What are you trying to do?

Anyway here are some YokaiSwap/ForceBridge usage guides from the community in case it can help you https://jackylhh.notion.site/How-to-deposit-BNB-BSC-to-YokaiSwap-3d510ed587874134bae4b4b83cc5d0ce https://jackylhh.notion.site/How-to-withdraw-BNB-ETH-from-YokaiSwap-and-move-them-back-to-BSC-ETH-94d44774bd9147a38c2aedd326b9b415

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