209 похожих чатов

#QuestionCEO : Hi Daniel, welcome again and hope you had

some great 4 months to start your way in! This question is about the business perspective of Syntropy and the mutual alignment. Since the startup Syntropy used ofcourse the construct of giving advisors/partners tokens and in some cases equity. How will the company Syntropy get a healthy stream of revenue (and therefore also get happpy shareholders) in relation to driving revenue to the token? Both can be aligned with different streams of revenue but could also have a conflict of interest. It would really help the token holding community if you could elaborate as precisely as you can (and willing to). Very much appreciated and I really am looking forward to a great mutual future 💪

4 ответов

29 просмотров

It would take me 5 minutes to read the question ser…

TJ (Loekie)-J Автор вопроса
It would take me 5 minutes to read the question se...

I know firsthand that you did it in 10 seconds…. You may shorten it at will if you like ;)

Great question, and one we have a clear answer to. We may edit for time.

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