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#QuestionCeo: The vast majority of us got involved in this

project when its purpose was different from what it is today. Although the current focus is more up-to-date and better suited to the blockchain world, we all dreamed of what DARP could offer to end users: a faster and more secure internet for every user.
1- Why do you believe that proposal hasn't had the success it should have had?
2- Why has the decision been made to abandon, even if temporarily, that approach, despite it being a mature idea, instead of pursuing parallel paths by creating two proposals for complementary targets?

3 ответов

21 просмотр
Borch ✤- Автор вопроса

Sorry I couldn’t attend the event. Do you know if Daniel has answered these questions?

Borch ✤
Sorry I couldn’t attend the event. Do you know if ...

You can check the recording of the Spaces, here it is: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1rmxPMpEwzXKN

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