209 похожих чатов

Hey, i am on the whitelist but how do i

stake? checked explorer and connected to the marketplace app, thx :)

10 ответов

28 просмотров

You would rather stake than run a node ?

Staking will be enabled shortly after the audit is complete, so hang tight just a bit longer.

Hogsss- Автор вопроса

Nodes better rewards sir 😜

Hogsss- Автор вопроса
guy incognito
Nodes better rewards sir 😜

i am a noob when it comes to running a node but willing to learn, is it possible using a VM? cause i'm a digital nomad :)

i am a noob when it comes to running a node but wi...

I don't think VMs are supported yet but hopefully in the future it'll be possible

i am a noob when it comes to running a node but wi...

So your a digital nomad that knows how to run and operate a VM but is a noob plz explain

i am a noob when it comes to running a node but wi...

I was too but I just bought a decent mini pc and it's been pretty painless

Hogsss- Автор вопроса
Crypto Jay
So your a digital nomad that knows how to run and ...

the fact i know what a VM is doesn't imply i know much more..lol it just removes one aspect of maintaining the actual machine, internet connection and that's about it? i assumed it's about following a set of instructions, commend lines and learning to work with a certain software :)

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