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Been spending some time reading the Chain cash white paper.

I like the idea of having a chain of collateral to cover the value of the note.

However I see a problem with users being able to issue notes without posting collateral.

Doesn't this incentivize users to just Create non-backed notes?

Also I see some problems of the notes are not backed by on chain assets. Can't a bad actor just say: " Nope I won't pay the note"

4 ответов

13 просмотров


It is possible to issue notes without any backing , however, the main question is who will accept it. And then ChainCash can be thought as a P2P network with different freely interacting subnetworks: * agents accepting fully backed notes - alternative of traditional fully backed paper gold systems (Hundi / Hawala etc) * fractional reserve free banking systems with possibly undercollateralized notes * (mostly community level) monetary systems with no collateral at all - LETS, community currencies etc

Jesper-Agger Автор вопроса
kushti khushi
It is possible to issue notes without any backing ...

Ahh. Kind of like "Choose-your-own-risk-currency" This makes sense. Users choose their own level of transparency and risk

Jesper-Agger Автор вопроса
kushti khushi
It is possible to issue notes without any backing ...

However this, to me still leaves the unsolved problem of off chain collateral. What stops a bad actor from not honoring redemption. Unless the assets are locked in a smart contract, The bad actors only punishment is to have to create a new agent and re-enter the chain. The system is not fully trustless. How does chain cash solve this?

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