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I haven't heard anything about this and I have no idea who or what the EOS Network Arbitration Panel is. Seems fictional. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fake fud. Anyways, Brock can have his EOS back if he returns the 140k BTC to EOS community

Mike-Van Dike Автор вопроса
Mike-Van Dike Автор вопроса
Mike Van Dike
aint gonna happen :(

Probability is not 0 though. Those BTCs are still sitting there for some reasons..

Mike-Van Dike Автор вопроса
Probability is not 0 though. Those BTCs are still ...

lets see what he has to say to that :) https://twitter.com/brockpierce/status/1763540717106794858

Fake fud. Anyways, Brock can have his EOS back if ...

@ChrisBarnes1 is trying to fool us 😂😂😂

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