210 похожих чатов

Hello. Can someone give me some advice please. I've downloaded

the latest update (using bootstrap) and moved the wallet to an external drive. The wallet opens fine (from the external drive) on the laptop that it was originally on. However, if I try to open it on a different laptop it wants to download the entire chain again. I thought that was already on the external drive. Why does it want to download it again?

7 ответов

25 просмотров

When you move the wallet to an external drive, the blockchain data is stored there, but the wallet configuration might still be pointing to a default location on your original laptop and can’t find the configuration on the other laptop

Andrew- Автор вопроса
When you move the wallet to an external drive, the...

Thanks. Yeah, I thought it may be something like that. Any ideas on how to fix?

Thanks. Yeah, I thought it may be something like t...

I think if you work on a Windows machine you have to copy the Appdata Map to the other laptop

Andrew- Автор вопроса
I think if you work on a Windows machine you have ...

Ah right. Thanks again. That's a bit beyond my pay grade without simple instructions to follow! 😁😁 Thanks for the info though.

Ah right. Thanks again. That's a bit beyond my pay...

If you search in this chat on appdata and configuration you can already find some information about this subject

Andrew- Автор вопроса
When you move the wallet to an external drive, the...

you need to run the shortcut where it have the external drive directory

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