upon hundreds of individuals and organizations seeking funds for various purposes.
>99% of those who have been denied funding by one of these bodies, has either gone elsewhere for funding without complaint, or worked to adjust their offerings to fit with existing criteria of funding.
A very very small <1% subset of people seem to take the absence of funding for their projects personally, (even though they have likely received public goods funding in the past) and make it their personal vendetta to attack and smear those who have not funded them, with unsubstantiated charges, ranging from everything to fraud and corruption and proposals to redress their grievances ranging from going to the authorities to "lynching".
The 99% is really easy to continue working with when conditions change and funding becomes available again for other initiatives or we work out the details of how to fund community events, etc. These are reliable partners. Stable and thoughtful people who continue to communicate without malice, and attempt to find and propose new solutions.
The 1% is particularly challenging. It's hard to work with people who turn to conspiracy theories, backstabbing, smears, and various other forms of attacks the moment they don't get what they want. People who assume there is an evil plot around every corner, rather than people, attempting to make the best of a difficult situation. People who assume the lack of good faith on the part of others working on behalf of the EOS Network.
Can we do things better? Yes, of course we can. Are we trying to improve? Yes of course we are.
EOS token holders, who have the interest of this network at heart, are free to take exception to the way things are done, and to provide feedback, and to suggest ways in which things could be done differently. And they might expect that feedback to be received in the spirit with which it is offered.
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