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Hey everyone. Forbes released an article this week tagging a raft

of major blockchains as “zombie chains”, including Bitcoin Cash.

The Algorand Foundation have suggested that us “zombies” should have a cross-chain Twitter spaces, and @rogerver suggested that I ask here if somebody would be interested in representing BCH on that? Likely later in April.

Best wishes,
Your fellow zombie (ETC)

9 ответов

12 просмотров

Hello. Forbes reached out to me to do that interview. I would be happy to join the space but I can think of 2 other people who would be better.

/off please

Cheapy 🪐🌭
/off please

Please take extended debates and non BCH topics to ————> https://t.me/BCHFreeForAll

Cheapy 🪐🌭
/off please

Dude, you started it., Just give me a single straight answer? It is related to BCH, isn't it? Why offtopic?

Shadow Of Harbringer
Dude, you started it., Just give me a single stra...

apologies I thought you were talking about the GD stuff. Yes Forbes reached out to me.

Cheapy 🪐🌭
apologies I thought you were talking about the GD ...

Very nice! 👍 Apology accepted. Anyway, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Cheapy 🪐🌭
Hello. Forbes reached out to me to do that intervi...

you did an interview with forbes? missed that news

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