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I wonder about the automatic fee increase. Did it also

necessitate limiting the mempool size to the max blocksize? Was it an emergency update for the halving? Did it go through the chip process?

7 ответов

5 просмотров

What automatic fee increase?

ErdoganTalk-jackson Автор вопроса
John Moriarty
What automatic fee increase?

The minimum fee was automatically increased near the halving from 1 sat/B to 2 sat/B, when the mempool was or should be close to 64MB

it's been around forever

ErdoganTalk-jackson Автор вопроса
im_uname#100🍋 🌭
it's been around forever

I remember no such detail from the previous (extremely successful IMO) stress test.

ErdoganTalk jackson
I remember no such detail from the previous (extre...

if you're talking about the bitcoincom stresstest years ago it didn't approach the limit. i don't know which else you might be talking about

ErdoganTalk-jackson Автор вопроса

the dynamic fee thing was there all this time, since 2016 iirc

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