209 похожих чатов

Could someone pretty please point me to the comment which

included a pointer to the actual code? @mini_satoshi

5 ответов

9 просмотров

2015: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/6722

is the 2sat/byte still today active? I hope it was only active for a block or two... ps. that code BCA identified is only in the BCHN client, I think. BU and Flowee forked off from Core well before that.

also would be useful if someone checked what the mempool size is. it was 300mb a decade ago, should be more by now. nothing should happen at block sizes we see on BCH

is the 2sat/byte still today active? I hope it wa...

that could be the reason why some explorer showed some @mini_satoshi 's TX while some other did not, maybe the explorer ran BU

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