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Admin... Pls I've bn having some issues on ios.. Anytime

I try claiming my staked rewards and also transferring AKT to another destination wallet, cosmostation app crashes. Any ideas to resolve that??

4 ответов

5 просмотров

try to update it to the latest vesrion, maybe that's the issue. or try keplr as an alterrnative

BossKay- Автор вопроса
Andrew G
try to update it to the latest vesrion, maybe that...

App already updated but when u say Keplr do u mean using my seed phrase for that since I can't transfer AKT from cosmostation

App already updated but when u say Keplr do u mean...

yes, basically just install keplr, import the wallet with seed phrase, and try. Or, as a suggestion, try deleting the cosmosation and reinstall it. But keep the seed phrase

BossKay- Автор вопроса

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