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What marketing activities are on the roadmap in the near


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As Synternet approaches a series of crucial milestones, our focus remains sharp on advancing our technology and broadening our ecosystem impact. In the near future, we are set to achieve several significant goals. A major development on our horizon is the mainnet launch of the Synternet blockchain. This pivotal move will activate our infrastructure to fully support real-time, cross-chain data streams, significantly enhancing the robustness and capabilities of our data services. Alongside this, we are preparing to introduce a fully operational token bridge that will connect the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems. This bridge is designed to facilitate seamless value transfers between these networks, expanding our reach and improving integration with existing blockchain infrastructures. Additionally, we are committed to enhancing the experience for both publishers and developers who interact with our platforms. Upcoming enhancements will simplify processes, improve access to data streams, and upgrade overall user interactions. Moreover, we are strengthening our ecosystem through strategic partnerships, which are crucial for scaling our solutions and extending our market presence. We are also planning to adopt a city-by-country approach to grow our foreign communities and developer adoption. We already have partners to support us with that. Looking ahead, we are finalizing the details of our roadmap for the remainder of the year and beyond. We are excited to soon share more updates and insights that will outline the future trajectory of our initiatives.

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