The cash account protocol basically identifies a single address with a human readable label. So after registering one you could just give people your cash account and they could keep track of it with more simplicity.
being a community member isnt enough? using and supporting bch isnt enough?
Since pokkst's tipbitcoin(dot)cash no longer works & @cheaplightning asked so kindly, I'm building a replacement It will take quite a while because I don't have the free time...
Do you know of any BCH-accepting businesses in your area? Or do you just want to go on a BCH cashdrop hunt around a landmark around you? PurelyPeer has got what you need in t...
who made "PodCash"? is down, but the app still works and I can even find fiendish's podcast. I just don't remember how to make it pay-per-listen. This is getting community noted. Up to us to rate it as u helpful.
Would anyone like a cheap service that would map your addresses to your name or some alias?
That's regrettable. Did you verify it with the staff? I'll update it onOpenStreetMap, then.
Who would like to make Bitcoin Cash better by helping me make it resistant to the $5 wrench attack?
Hello BCH community, I want to get some more BCH and being as the market is rallying at the moment is it a good time? Advice appreciated.
Let's say the current price of BCH is 400$, and average fee for transaction is .1$ If the price jumps to let's say 4000$, transaction fee should be 1$ ? I don't know exactly ...
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