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Hi everyone, some time ago I DM-ed MrZwets for working

out a business case implementing BCH including NFT, tokens whatever -Im an relatively old fart, can''t keep up with current BCH developments. Shorttly after I thought this particular case went out the window, no reaction, but they(HERD ZA) contacted me last week. MrZwets didnt have the time so sent me here. Well here I am. I hope you can help me out with some ideas I have. We're not talking shop accepting BCH, this is bigger.
For a start: What I am refering to is this: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1bqj9vf/comment/kx35iu8/ (hmm, appreciated to -2, I could care less about reddit karma, but I don't understand why) Link to HERD in the comment.
What do you think?

2 ответов

13 просмотров

BCH is decentralized and permissionless, so you are free to build whatever you want. If you want something done, it is very likely you have to be the one that does it or the one who pays for it. In other words, be the change you want to see.

R-West Автор вопроса
BCH is decentralized and permissionless, so you ar...

Thanks for your reply. Decentralized, permissionless I know -in the space since late 2014. I am willing to take the challenge building 'something' for HERD myself. I have programming skills, so CashScript os/ wouldn't be that big a step. If necessary maybe I can pull open a can of colleague C programmers. But before I start it's handy to know the possibilities and where to find the material. I need to offer HERD something that convinces them to extend the usage of BCH. Maybe what HERD is looking for already exists. As mainly a reddit lurker I've seen BCH ninja card stuff passing by, maybe HERD want their elephants. Roger Ver once mentioned the possibility of dividends using tokens iirc. Especially the latter one is something HERD may be interested in. Is there something like that yet? Or is there a WOO commerce BCH plugin for their shop? These are the things I am looking for. We're all full of 'adoption' and 'onboarding', now then: Help me to onboard HERD. I am not asking others to do the job for me. Only to show me the direction. Currently HERD has 278K+ YouTube subscribers and growing. Imagine the possible free BCH publicity by only placing a BCH address in their video description.

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