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Does everyone remember when Amaury got triggered because one female

developer in crypto was making more than him, so he started an incel rebellion and tried to blow up the chain?

Is it dangerous if we don't burn every female avatar in effigy, or is it more dangerous if we do– so predictably?

6 ответов

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2qx#72497; 🦇- Автор вопроса
im_uname#100🍋 🌭

He talked about it a few times on the coinspice podcast. When Amaury would rationalize or make the case for the IFP, he would talk about the typical industry salaries of blockchain developers. And there was this one developer at blockstream that REALLY REALLY triggered him. Misogyny is a weakness. Misogyny is dangerous. He tried to blow up a $4B(?) ecosystem because a lady was making more than him. In his own words.

2qx#72497; 🦇
He talked about it a few times on the coinspice po...

I never heard that story. But anyway, I think it's a much deeper issue than misogyny. He never had the appropriate attitude to lead Bitcoin Cash. IMO, "Salary" should be low on the list of priorities, if its even a priority at all, when it comes to leading Bitcoin Cash development.

I never heard that story. But anyway, I think it'...

This topic has natural dangerous tendencies to turn into HARD offtopic FAST, so if I were you, I would avoid.

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