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[Cafebedouin] For be it from me to get knee deep

on the shit, as I so often do, but isn't the point of Ergo for people to do what they want? It's a permissionless system designed to work for whatever use case it is needed. I've noticed a real change in the community, where it's everyone has to think the same thoughts, row in the same direction, or whatever. But, the strength of Ergo, at least in my view, is to be promiscuous. Want to just use ZeroJoin and then transfer back to BTC? That's OK. Want to use some chainlink functionality because that's right for your use case? By all means. If you limit yourself to Ergo, you limit what you can do and you'll end up waiting, like I've been waiting for Linux to finally be ready for the desktop.

4 ответов

14 просмотров


DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[dΣathgripson] You can justify anything with the logic that you are more free for doing so, that doesnt make it an economically intelligent decision

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
[dΣathgripson] You can justify anything with the l...

[cafebedouin] My uncontroversial idea is people are free to do what they want. Isn't that the world we all want to live in, or am I an idealist?

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
[cafebedouin] My uncontroversial idea is people ar...

[dΣathgripson] We do live in that world somewhat, every choice you make with freedom has consequenses though, no one is free from consequenses

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