209 похожих чатов

When the new pools launch on EWX, will the requirements

stay the same? I'm thinking about the current minimum stake of 1000 EWT for Smartflow.

14 ответов

18 просмотров

Good question I like to know

Please watch our official channels for announcements

Great question! Here are some of the details on the Min and Max staking amount: - SmartFlow: Minimum 250 EWT - Maximum 10,000 EWT - Carbon Aware WN: Minimum 50,000 EWT - Maximum 500,000 EWT

Daniyal Ajdadi | EW
Great question! Here are some of the details on th...

Awesome 250 min is a space for those who can't afford 1k min Thanks 🙏

Daniyal Ajdadi | EW
Great question! Here are some of the details on th...

@DaniyalAjdadi will there be a pool launched when DS is finished? Reason I’m asking: many people don’t qualify for CA, but have 15k in current SF. Without extra WNN’s they might be forced to buy an extra minipc (as max is down to 10k), while maybe a few weeks later extra pools are introduced.

Daniyal Ajdadi | EW
Great question! Here are some of the details on th...

Why is the Carbon Aware WN minimum stake so high?

Paww Lee
Why is the Carbon Aware WN minimum stake so high?

Great question! But effectively it means more security behind each WN? Maybe testing for a different tier of WN Operators?! 🤔 ...I'm thinking enterprises themselves🤷🏼‍♂️

Daniyal Ajdadi | EW
Good question indeed you’re spot on!

so individual with 50k ewt cant opt in ?

so individual with 50k ewt cant opt in ?

Yes that’s correct if individuals have they should be able to spin a node

Daniyal Ajdadi | EW
Great question! Here are some of the details on th...

I believe there are currently only around 100 or so wallets with 50k + EWT. So that’s quite a threshold

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