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[Sheetoshi] Would ergo docs be the best resource for someone

who has a few years experience in web development and would like to learn how to build on ergo?

17 ответов

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[Wallu - AI] Hi! The Ergo docs would be a great resource for someone with web development experience looking to build on Ergo. Links: [[1]](<https://docs.ergoplatform.com/dev/>), [[2]](<https://docs.ergoplatform.com>), [[3]](<https://ergoplatform.org/en/>)

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[c8] it highly depends on wether you have an idea or not about what you wanna build

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[c8] it highly depends on wether you have an idea ...

[sheetoshi] My two thoughts atm would be a very simple p2p betting game to get familiar with transactions and smart contracts and my other idea would be just to pull some sort of smart contract metrics to display. Idk but would like to start chipping away at something with the little time I have and hopefully make bigger contributions later.

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[sheetoshi] My two thoughts atm would be a very si...

[c8] betting game is probably nice as 2. project, first project should be more about reading contract data, or doing a basic web wallet... I mean you could do a webview wallet, token balance, and basic "send funds" functionality, to learn how to work with the wallet extension and build transactions. at least that's what i would suggest as the first mini project. For that you will need nautilus: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/nautilus-wallet/gjlmehlldlphhljhpnlddaodbjjcchai?hl=de&pli=1 fleet-sdk: https://fleet-sdk.github.io/docs/wallet-interaction

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[sheetoshi] My two thoughts atm would be a very si...

[cafebedouin] Talk to the Grand Gambit dev. This is precisely what they did.

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[c8] betting game is probably nice as 2. project, ...

[sheetoshi] I would agree with your suggestion. I just need to get my hands dirty with understanding the fundamental building blocks. I'll most likely utilize React for the frontend as that's my bread and butter. Backend have experience with Node and Java.

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[sheetoshi] I would agree with your suggestion. I ...

[c8] you can go a long way without any backend

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[sheetoshi] good to know

[c8] then just install nautilus, and follow the fleet-sdk docs i linked above, ask claude ai along the way about concepts and that's probably it

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[c8] then just install nautilus, and follow the fl...

[sheetoshi] perfect will jump in dev support once I start getting in the weeds of it and more questions arise. appreciate the suggestions!

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[sheetoshi] perfect will jump in dev support once ...

[c8] https://sigmafi.app/#/ here is a nice example of what's possible with a few smart contracts and a simple webui

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HQΣr | Wont Dm 🐾
Wait for gamba gamba

[sheetoshi] What is gamba gamba?

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[sheetoshi] What is gamba gamba?

[Wallu - AI] Gamba gamba" is another internal ergo reference. Links: [[1]](<https://x.com/HQ3r_erg/status/1793343117439160>)

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