209 похожих чатов

Hey, I have been trying to update Market app (energy

web X worker node).
I keep getting error message: "Error during the update Application rouldn't be updated. Please try again or contact the support team".
Any advice pls? 🙏

6 ответов

16 просмотров

Don’t use the in app update , download the new release from the website


For technical support, Live discussion with the team on Energy Web stage, join us on discord. https://discord.gg/U9Rfwbxj65

Lio_Br-Bres Автор вопроса

Thanks for the reply friends, I will check in discord and will consider to download the new release 🙏

Lio_Br-Bres Автор вопроса
Don’t use the in app update , download the new rel...

So I should just uninstall market app and install again the new version? Must I unsubscribe before doing that pls?

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