212 похожих чатов

What does this Project differ from other dpins? Thx. Any docs

or insight?

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Sentinel is the only depin project to use an on-chain DHT for peer discovery, fully decentralized way of users finding nodes Sentinel has multiple SDKs to build consumer apps ontop of the infra, only DePin project to do this Sentinel is the only DePin project to have a on-chain subscription structure where application owners can pre-pay service providers and then re-price the offerring to the end-user docs.sentinel.co very well maintained documents

most DePin projects are science projects Sentinel has nearly 400k users, over 50k users unique per month, crossing over 1 PB of data transmitted which less than 1% of depin projects have reached stats.sentinel.co Map.sentinel.co

This is the only depin project that is hitting the web 2 consumer and mainstream. Independentdvpn.com already 200k + users incl apk, 0 marketing spend

Oxkakurenbo^-9 Автор вопроса

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