209 похожих чатов

@Daniel_hau back to our conversation.. could you please explain how

everything does work. For example suppose prior migration we have 900m (SYNT ERC 20) and from that amount 500m migrated to main chain. Why there should be minted 900m instead of 500m? How rest 400m on main chain will be managed? And why not implement just burn / mint mechanism instead of minting exact amount of erc20 e.i 900m. I’m not techie but i guess you could implement theoretical 1b supply + % inflation and use starting amount on main chain which equals only migrated SYNT. Hope I’ve explained my question properly

6 ответов

9 просмотров
Petre- Автор вопроса

I mean why not make it simple: main chain starting amount = bridged amount with theoretical cap of 1B + yearly inflation

Petre- Автор вопроса

Would love to hear your response as well @janne_s3

Would love to hear your response as well @janne_s3

As far as I understand the amount of SYNT will be the migrated noia + SYNT that’s created for chain operations like staking and such.

Petre- Автор вопроса
Janne S.
As far as I understand the amount of SYNT will be ...

so if i understand correctly initial supply gonna be like: migrated tokens + minted some for operations right? Then next question if there is only difference between own Synt and erc20 synt is inflation. From where comes this “chain operations”. Cuz as I understand team itself shouldn’t receive any extra amount apart from inflation right? So the only inital tokens on cosmos based L1 should come from bridge of erc20

so if i understand correctly initial supply gonna ...

They mint whatever they need and over time the circulating supply will approach 1B, not unlike NOIA

Petre- Автор вопроса
Janne S.
They mint whatever they need and over time the cir...

I don’t like this approach “they do whatever they need”, need more clarification. That’s not good approach to talk with community imo

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