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I don’t think this new hash power will end up

being nefarious but if it is, do we have some kind of contingency plan? Yeah, sure, 10 block rolling checkpoints and blah blah blah but if this is another blow to BCH, idk what I’m going to do. I think BCH is literally the only coin that has a chance to break out of fiat chains but I just might gtfo forever and go straight to gold and silver if this hits the fan.

Bch is literally the only chance we have, imo. I know that sounds culty or whatever but that’s how I honestly feel.

Sorry, just getting this off my chest…one of those things that’s nagging at you in the back of your head kind of thing.

4 ответов

6 просмотров


I don't believe this attack poses a big threat, because there is no adversarial alpha that is claiming that "he runs real BCH". In case the miner starts behaving badly and other SHA256 miners do not intervene, we have lots of countermeasures.

Josh- Автор вопроса

I mean the only other one I can think of would be Monero but afaik, that has scaling issues due to its design. Out of all the PoW coins, BCH is the one that can scale and do it well, but I’m open to new info.

I mean the only other one I can think of would be ...

I'm on that page too. Don't really know of anything else that's viable long term

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