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[Cafebedouin] You might even make the broader point about knowledge

more generally. Why A.I. now? Why is it so common for two inventors to discover the same thing, independently, around the same time?

3 ответов

15 просмотров

ai now because computational resouces are efficient enough for more innovations to be found and compounded on by those researching it

for why inventors discover things independently around the same time... i would hypothize its a mixure of things, often expansions on a previous recent discovery or trend of interest in a old area or particular domain, there is somewhat a collective meta state between collectives and not in a supernatural sense, mainstream can be broken down to even niche domains and subgroups. many inventors or innovators work can be or seems like a groundbreaking discovery, they're often working from a base of solving a particular set problems, ones that handfuls or big groups of others might likely also be too.

I believe AI success was mostly due to advancements hardware . I spent some time on neural networks and other soft computations (genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, Kohonen maps etc) areas back in 2005-6 , and back then they were boring , mostly due to just not enough layers an ordinary CPU was able to process

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