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Hi everyone Argentina is facing a hard time currently so

do you think BCH can save the country's future BCH doesn't need lightning like BT it is scalable and ready for mass adoption how can the BCH community help in making this dream come true? I see a lack of marketing for BCH after the block size war and only a few handfuls of Bitcoin cash node implementations not many of which can lead to some Development centralization in the future how can we help for both of these and what is our contribution as community

5 ответов

13 просмотров


Adaptive Blocksize Limit- Автор вопроса

Can you help me understand more context I am new to Bitcoin cash from Bitcoin core

Adaptive Blocksize Limit
Can you help me understand more context I am new t...

welcome here! happy to answer your questions about Bitcoin Cash

yeah BCH does not need the lightning network to scale

A handful is great — you don’t want 100. But a lot better than the effectively 1 implementation of BTC. R u a bot? Check out the work BCH Argentina is doing. They are hosting a big conference this October. Check it out

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