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What was that site that someone sent in this group

yesterday? Was something about airdrops

14 ответов

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Pretty sure your a scammer also. Just incase your not do not use that scam site.

Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
Pretty sure your a scammer also. Just incase your...

Jesus Christ Matthew. You have to learn the correct forms of your/you're. When the sentence would make sense with "you are" when you sound it out it is "you're"

Jesus Christ Matthew. You have to learn the correc...

The Grammer police need to give up. I can figure out the difference but typing quickly small things like that often get overlooked. All that matters is there is no confusion on what is trying to be said.

Hey man, I'm not the illiterate one

I am extremely literate. Assuming someone is illiterate for not bothering with Grammer in, informal writing is the opitimy of stupid.

Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
I am extremely literate. Assuming someone is illi...

The fact that you have to "bother" with or put considerable levels of brain power into grammar I learned in 3rd grade is a massive self report brother

The fact that you have to "bother" with or put con...

How many languages do you read in? How many programming languages do you know? I could easily expound at length with refined eloquence, meticulously crafting my grammar to perfection. However, I choose not to invest excessive effort into something of negligible consequence.

Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
How many languages do you read in? How many progr...

Here you can find Quick picks from the DigiByte Ecosystem on how to buy DGB (DigiByte) All exchanges and services that support DigiByte can be found on the DigiByte Wiki.

Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
How many languages do you read in? How many progr...

Lol you need "excessive effort" for elementary school skills? Also, hitting me with "do you even code bro!?!?" isn't doing what you think it's doing. You can be mad all you want, I'm just letting you know you come off like a moron to people who don't know you. Now I've seen you in here for years so I know that's not the case at all. I just hope it doesn't harm you in your line of work. Super unprofessional

Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
How many languages do you read in? How many progr...

Also you reading a lot makes this 100x worse looool. How are you this illiterate when you're an avid reader hahahaha

Lol you need "excessive effort" for elementary sch...

The point is people put effort in different places. Mine is generally put in Math and code not English. If yours is in English great for you. I have already wasted enough time on a gerk that thinks way to much of himself and can't comprehend that not all people are the same, but being different does not mean stupid.

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