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So I posted a while back about a project that

I am interested in and seemed to get a positive response. Should I use this group as a focal point and direct people from LinkedIn or from my real world life here?

I have a few more ideas. I had suggested that the project would be a broadcast onto the Digibyte network from the Godot game engine. To participate, you would need to run a full node and create OP-RETURN transactions. I am thinking of broadcasting the "War and Peace" report with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales. It leans left and includes stories and video or audio hosted on their site, downloadable, and on torrent.

So each story would be mapped to a Digibyte transaction. You can follow the UTXO data to see older posts or experiment with emoticons or comments on maybe IPFS.

I also like the idea of some agreed upon broadcast block. Like every 500 blocks, just send a TX. Then the "listener" could search back for those blocks and discover the news feed AND any other TX in the same format. It could be accumulated and displayed in the Godot game/app that could also be distributed and updated on a similar way.

What do you think guys? Thanks in advance for your time and I hope this is the right form for such collaboration.

Oh, and THIS channel on telegram and even individuals can also do similar broadcasts. Telegram could be part of the solution.

8 ответов

21 просмотр

Here you can find all the DigiByte Telegram Groups.

Broadcasting exactly a specific number of blocks is impossible. Your transaction will not always go in the block you want. If your going to broadcast please put just the IPFS path in the op_return data. Please don't spam entire audio or video files. I would suggest publishing them as DigiAssets so the format is standard lyrics readable. You can easily give the assets away but even without giving away sites like digiassets.info will show the asset content.

JoHNxRiGLERzzz- Автор вопроса
Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
Broadcasting exactly a specific number of blocks i...

It is ok if it doesn't hit exactly. I tested this out years ago. If you look a block before and two after, you will find the record. About a year ago I tested sending every 1000 records. Doing three or four searches, then skipping 1000 is a good compromise between speed and time to post. Just search on your favorite block explorer for DAxSECRETxBEACH xSoLUTioNSzzzUsENxn, or look at block 15908000 Can I post a digibyte address here without getting dinged? Doing so would be helpful.

It is ok if it doesn't hit exactly. I tested this ...

Yes you can post addresses. And using an address makes more sense. Just make your protocol that anyone can send to an asset to brodcast address or broadcast address sends to one of the automated burn addresses and it's the sender your looking for

JoHNxRiGLERzzz- Автор вопроса
who are you?

Hmm Goose432, I am actually using my real name here. If you search for me on L.ink.ed.in you will probably find me as a 2nd contact. I have like 5k followers, which is apparently a thing. Feel free to connect. I will take a look at my contact info and add it.

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