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So what’s the alternative here? Do I just burn the

remaining 4.6m EOS and quit?

9 ответов

15 просмотров

Doing things right

naa, that would be silly, just keep on keeping on...don't let these chats with plebs like me slow you down.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass- Автор вопроса
Chris Barnes
naa, that would be silly, just keep on keeping on....

You’re not my enemy, despite what you seem to think.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
You’re not my enemy, despite what you seem to thin...

I agree I'm not your enemy, and I don't think that at all. My best guess is you're complicit, but not deliberately so. Meaning you've probably spent a lot of time talking to a certain somebody who has some political experience, read a book on how to deceive, and has been playing folks (including you) for a while...saying the right thing to their face...backtracking with a reasonable excuse when needed, and then misleading some more. All the while funds exit the ecosystem, end up on an exchange, and later in the hands of friends. At least thats what it looks like...

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass- Автор вопроса
Chris Barnes
I agree I'm not your enemy, and I don't think that...

With as much visibility as I have, I don’t have proof of this. I’m not denying your claim, but I can’t confirm it - so it’s just speculation. What I do see under the hood of the ENF is a lot of passionate people building for EOS, right now. I don’t know if what you claim is true - and I’m not arguing it, but I know what I see happening, and there is good in it. Good which largely goes undiscussed, in favor of all these other accusations.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass- Автор вопроса
Moneky | $BANANA
They are passionate building Bitcoin bullshit lol

The ENF isn’t building Bitcoin bullshit lol

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
With as much visibility as I have, I don’t have pr...

Absolutely there are great people in the ENF, who are attempting to do great things. I have never suggested otherwise, which is why I usually use the word "leadership" when I'm referring to the mismanagement of the network. I also 100% believe that you're not the problem here...you're more "guilty" by association in this example, but I truly don't think you and Greymass are on anyone's list of what needs to change about EOS. I mean sure, do I think you've had enough time to facilitate a far smoother user onboarding experience, well yes, but I don't think you are necessarily to blame for this. My sense is you've been provided just enough support from the network, over time, to keep the lights on and try to grow a bit so you can do more, which you objectively have. But, growth is hard, and its even harder when you have a highly variable source of company revenue (tied to token price) and the uncertainty of grants that sporadically take place (which likely accompany political influence…and delays). This coupled with the solution requiring a coordinated effort both from wallet devs like yourself and the Antelope core devs…it becomes more a question of priorities of those who control the use of inflation, then a question of your capabilities.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass- Автор вопроса
Chris Barnes
Absolutely there are great people in the ENF, who ...

Much of this is true, it’s been our team trying to convince leadership (no matter if B1, ENF, or BPs) of the important aspects of the ecosystem that were largely ignored. Onboarding, wallets, SDKs, etc. We have somehow managed to keep the lights on starting with BP rewards, then things like Eden/Pomelo, then to grants from the ENF, and now a bucket from the network itself. Anything meaningful (so, not BP rewards or Pomelo) has always been at the discretion of those at the top, and this is the first time someone at the top opened this specific door to improvements. To me that’s a source of optimism. It shows a willingness to take on new priorities and let someone new step up in a different way. Hopefully that trend continues, because we certainly need to diversify this gene pool 😂 And while I don’t agree with all of the priorities either, I’m hopeful what we see in moving forward as new priorities will be better than anything in the past.

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