have given you in HEX? or did everyone just get a small amount of hex from a btc address?
https://imgur.com/a/I361fM3 PLS is the native coin of the Pulsechain Network and therefor doesn't have a contract address (same as ETH doesn't have one). DEX Website https://app.pulsex.com The PLSX contract. Decimal: 18 0x95b303987a60c71504d99aa1b13b4da07b0790ab The INC contract. Decimal: 18 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d The HEX contract. Decimal: 8 0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39 Alternatively click the "Fox" icon On PulseX next to a token to add it to metamask automatically.
Initially 10,000 per BTC, decreasing by 2% every week. Other conditions applied https://hexicans.info/claiming/
CallmeP (1) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you] (773)
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