wallet, wouldn't a phone already cost more than a hardware wallet? The cheapest option which supports apps are KaiOS devices and they already start from like 50 USD. The cheapest trezor is 49 USD
I get a phone for $15 every year from my mobile provider. I don't discard them because I know I can use them later.
These options are not available everywhere in the world. But do you folks think a software to turn a cheap KaiOS phone into a hardware wallet a good idea?
A KaiOS device in the most expensive case is not more than $100-$120. And I've bought my Nokia 800 Tough for half the price because it was open box and used for a few months. And if you are somewhere the carrier sells locked phones, you can buy one for only 15-25 USD. The idea is replacing the System app of KaiOS with your own custom system app which is specificly designed to sign the transaction and show a QR code of it, or transfer it with Bluetooth if there is a secure protocol for doing so, similar to hardware wallets. If you want even more security, you could replace stock OS with postmarketOS.
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