209 похожих чатов

They wrote: "After the auto migration the tokens will be

delegated to one of our validators. Users can choose to redelegate their tokens to another validator as soon as the upgraded network is restarted' Does it mean that the FET after automatically switching to mainnet will also automatically stake?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

This was updated by request of the community. The preference was that the tokens be sent to the browser extension wallet, so that people could do what they wanted to do with them from the extension wallet. So no the tokens will not automatically be stacked…

Anh-Dương Автор вопроса

So how do I stake FET? Is it necessary to transfer FET to Cosmotation wallet? Can I use Cosmotation web wallet?

This is the big question that the team needs to give detailed instructions about. I would also like to use a web wallet if possible. They have now transferred our tokens to the web extension wallet. Can they admin please give detailed instructions on how to move them to a) Cosmostation mobile b) Cosmostation web wallet. This will clear up a lot of issues and enable people to move forward without having to ask lots of questions.

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