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Hey. IBC question here. Lets imagine that Cosmos hub is stucked

after spam attack or smthng bad for 10 hours. How this will impact on Atom in other cosmos blockchains?

5 ответов

4 просмотра

Each chain is sovereign.

It would affect Cosmos Hub and any IBC assets on the hub itself. Other chains would continue as normal because they are sovereign and independent of each other.

Scorp- Автор вопроса

What about Atom on Osmo or other chain? Can i pool it or send to Iris fex?

Other chains would not be affected. Iris and Osmosis would continue as normal. They are all sovereign of each other. You would not be able to send to and from Cosmos Hub in the event something happened. Do note that Cosmos Hub is the most secure chain in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Scorp- Автор вопроса

Im asking about Atom Token itself

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