210 похожих чатов

More impressed with https://coingeek.com/filtering-bitcoin-transactions-for-the-ones-you-want-on-bitcoin-class-with-satoshi/?tncpw_session=14cb9319cbfac967617de32dbeb82dff4ea8a3d1dc5f69c024e8fd7b6b8ce823

3 ответов

8 просмотров
:)$(: BuRtRoNiMu$-:)$(: Автор вопроса

:)$(: Not sure if your in the know of what it is sir , your a bit lost when you start to tread in the very technicals. The link provided showed you a glimps of how simple this tech .. yet vast it actually is … NFT as example .. No interested .. however Singular Value Decomposition is a crazy part of bitcoin that has blown mind ..

Calm down Vulcan.

:)$(: BuRtRoNiMu$-:)$(: Автор вопроса

Damn again on point ~> i do have cro-magnum head

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