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Hey is it OK if I ask some questions here.

I'm a big fan of Constellation and it's grand vision. I have a few questions on the Token Economics. This might be the best place to get answers for me.

1)It was mentioned 10mill DAG will be burned for the first 15 enterprise client onboarded. But what happens after the 15 client is achieved? Does that stop? It is not clear enough.

2) What exactly is Spore Technologies? It's mentioned in the article. But I was unable to find information on it. It sounds like a third party company? Or treasury that lock up DAG tokens on behalf of entreprise clients?

3) Is there token lock up for a period of time when Constellation buys DAG on behalf of clients? If a client needs 250K to run a node. It is purchased for them. What happens when the client is done using the product with Software as a service model? Will the 250K token return to circulation?

4) I'm an investor in Quant Network. I learned of Constellation through the partnership vision between the two. When a little over 3B total supply was chosen at the start of company/business. Was there a reason to have that many tokens? Why not keep supply in millions range instead and achieve the same goals? (I'm thinking of for example how Quant achieved its token model with 14 million tokens).

I'm new here and have been doing my research a lot. And I'm hoping to get clarity. Thank you!

5 ответов

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Bits. DAG is all about bits. The HGTP runs its rails in parallel and not on a chain. It takes a while to shift the brain into the DAG paradigm. No more bottle-necking. TPS is an battleground for the other networks. It simply isn't an issue with the HGTP because of how they engineered the architecture of the network. Time for you to go watch some of Wyatt's Coffee talks (or listen) and they are on dagchads.com

AB- Автор вопроса

Thank you! I'm looking forward to it. I need to shift the mindset from blockchain to this version of DLT. I saw a diagram describing what you said but I must change my thinking as I grasp everything more fully😊

watch this video

Hey AB, 1. As the duchess pointed out this was tokenomics V1 and no longer applies 2. Spore is one of Constellations outreach programs to bring new enterprises onto the hypergraph. They don’t lock up tokens. 3. When Constellation buys tokens for a client those tokens will be locked up in the projects statechannel. The client would provide the Fiat to constellation for this service and the tokens would be purchased from the market. They would be locked up to increase bandwidth. If that company were to leave the network for whatever reason they could then sell those tokens back to the market in exchange for Fiat. That said this would be unusual unless the project went bust as we envision projects needing more and more data. 4. The token number was fixed 5 years ago. The vision and tokenomics have evolved since then but it was not possible to change the supply.

this is the most helpful community and a lot of smart brains in here

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