210 похожих чатов

Do we think that defichain will be able to recover

to at least 3.50$?

5 ответов

11 просмотров

If China stops being China about everything and btc can stabilise a bit, hope so

I’m still dca to recover from a $4 entry. Worlds #1 best trader. Anything up from here is nice

Dont bet on it... The best people can do is to develop antibodies to the monthly FUD they spread. Until then, the charts will have more bumps than a rollercoaster 🤷‍♂️

depends on cryptomarket eventually if bitcoin goes up i think yes but longterm if defichain will survive next bear market is another question. i hope more devs will choose defichain to develop cool and usefull stuff.

akp- Автор вопроса

Imo we need something like pcs or apeswap for cakedefi

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