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I have two questions. I'm sorry if these have already

been answered. 1) Can I split my governance among different accounts? For example, instead of 3000 Algos in one account, can I have 3 accounts with 1000 Algos each, register all three and vote from all three. The reason would be in case I need to spend/sell Algos, I could break the balance of one account without affecting the others. 2) If my account is empty during days 1 through 10 and I put Algos into the account on day 11 and register the wallet for voting, will the fact that the wallet was empty during days 1 through 10 affect my eligibility or will the balance minimum only be in force after I register the account?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

1. Yes 2. Your ALGO must be committed for a certain time within the sign up period.

Ralph-Craig Автор вопроса

1. Thank you for answering this question. 2. I do not understand your answer. If I transfer 1001 Algos to a previously empty account on October 11 and stake 1000 Algos from that account on October 11 and the balance remains above 1000 from October 11 through December 31, will the fact that the account was empty from October 1 through October 10 mean that the wallet was under-funded and ineligible for rewards? I hope I've made the scenario clear.

The governance period starts on October 15. If they are not committed before then, you will not be eligible.

Yes. If you missed this article, recommended to take a look https://info.algorand.foundation/community-governance-instructions

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