209 похожих чатов

Hey everyone! Is there a way to store a BoxList

in a BoxMapping or is there any other way to have a data structure with one-to-many relation?

7 ответов

27 просмотров

Sorry I cannot help personally but you should ask this in the discord channel as well. You will receive more answers from active devs there, and the AI chatbot may be able to assist as well. I will link it below.

qpwe- Автор вопроса
Sorry I cannot help personally but you should ask ...

Thanks. We've already asked this question on Discord, but it seems rather inactive. Many user questions go unanswered :c

Thanks. We've already asked this question on Disco...

You can also try the incs developer forum, which is located here https://forum.algorand.org/ Hopefully you are able to get some assistance soon.

Thanks. We've already asked this question on Disco...

The new forced threads I think bury stuff sometimes

Thanks. We've already asked this question on Disco...

There is an ai bot section on the discord which is fully loaded with Algorand info. Have you tried that? It’s called “ask Kapa”

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